2021 Artist-In-Residence: August 1–14
Artist Talk: Friday August 13, 7pm (BYO Lawn Chair)

Big Day Film Collective is proud to announce the first ever awardee of the Big Day Film Collective Artist-In-Residence! Elizabeth is an accomplished artist that practices experimental darkroom photography techniques and will be using her time on location at Big Day working through her bodies of work that consists of vintage family vernacular photographs converted and enlarged and printed in historical photographic processes.
Elizabeth will be working on and off premises, but will be holding a workshop on her first Saturday in residence August 7, 11am, an artist talk about her process the second Friday August 13, 7pm, and will be holding artist office hours daily M–F, 11–4pm. Please follow us on Facebook for the event details and a reminder – https://www.facebook.com/bigdayfilmcollective . Please make your appointment for an office hours visit through our online Appointment Calendly.